Engineering | Slate Lab

Busy October: Part 2

Other major events in October included two HSE outreach activities, including a field trip for local high school students and a workshop for Young Engineers Shape the World (YESW). At the workshop, we introduced students to basic concepts of HSE and human-centered...

Busy October: Part 1

October of 2018 was packed! The month began with a trip to Philadelphia and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society annual meeting, where SLATE Lab participated in three research presentations and a panel discussion. We were also able to further promote the HSE and...

Lunch & Learn “Creating an Engaging Classroom”

Rod Roscoe led a workshop for the Postdoctoral Researcher Lunch & Learn Series on the topic of “Creating an Engaging Classroom.” A pdf of the presentation slides are available here: Engaging Classroom June 22nd 2018. This series is part of a new ASU...

Chelsea wins GPSA JumpStart Grant!

Chelsea Johnson was awarded a GPSA Summer 2018 JumpStart Grant for her project, “Hiking Ancient Trails, Chaco Culture National Historical Park: A Virtual Reality Trail Navigation Study.”...

Welcome Ashley Clark

The SLATE Lab will be welcoming a new member this Summer (she’s already been volunteering with us)… Ashley Clark! Ashley is currently presenting her own original research at the Western Psychological Association (WPA) conference in Portland. Her poster is...

Spring 2018 Graduates!

We are very happy to announce that two SLATE Lab students successfully defended their milestones. In March, Kyrsten Novak defended her MS thesis. In April, Irfan Kula defended his PhD. Both passed with minor revisions! Congratulations!