Engineering | Slate Lab

It was announced that Dr. Roscoe was chosen as a Tooker Professor for 2017! Planned projects will explore, develop, and improve the role of Human Systems Engineering in preparing more engaged and successful engineers at ASU. We also get to develop an cool new “problem-based recruiting” activity!

Tooker Professors are selected annually through a competitive proposal process and appointed for one- to two-year terms. During this time, they implement proposed innovations designed to lead to increased student retention and persistence, more rewarding learning experiences, greater student diversity and experiences that aid student competitiveness in the job market. The Tooker Professor program was established in 2011 through an endowment established by Diane and Gary Tooker and co-investment from the Dean’s Office. Diane is a former elementary school teacher, and Gary is one of our engineering alumni and the former CEO of Motorola; both are passionate about creating exciting learning environments that attract students to and retain them in STEM fields.